Living and
Raw Foods Bookstore
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Wild Plant Books
Wild Plants : A North American Field Guide
by Thomas S. Elias, Peter A. Dykeman (Contributor)
List Price: $17.95 Your Price: $14.36 SAVE 20%Top
Rated Field Guide for North America! |
Edible Flower Garden (Edible Garden Series)
by Rosalind Creasy
List Price: $14.95 Your Price: $11.96 SAVE 20%Author
Rosalind Creasy has written extensively on edible gardens: The Edible Herb Garden
and The Edible French Garden are some of her past titles. The Edible Flower
Garden focuses on plants that not only enhance recipes, but also turn the plate into a
painting--a visual as well as gastronomic enterprise. For the reader who thinks such
things are only for true gourmets or Metropolitan Home magazine aesthetes, one look
at the photographs in this book will seduce you. The images are so beautiful and unusual
as to be hypnotic: rose petals served as a bowl of ice cream (Rose Petal Sorbet); salads
that look like wildflower meadows. |
and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (And Not So Wild Places)
by Steve Brill, Evelyn Dean
List Price: $18.95 Your Price: $15.16 SAVE 20%
Encyclopedia of Edible Plants of North America
by Francois, Ph.D. Couplan, James A. Duke
List Price: $19.95 Your Price: $13.96 SAVE 30%From
horsetails, ferns, and conifers to shrubs, vines, and herbaceous species, this guide
describes how to find, identify, and use hundreds of plants as tasty morsels. |
Guide to Edible Wild Plants : Eastern and Central North America
by Roger Tory Peterson, Lee A. Peterson
List Price: $18.00 |
the Wild Asparagus
by Euell Gibbons, Margaret F. Schroeder (Illustrator), John McPhee (Photographer)
List Price: $17.50 Your Price: $14.00 SAVE 20%Euell
Gibbons was one of the few people in this country to devote a considerable part of his
life to the adventure of "living off the land." His greatest pleasure was
seeking out wild plants, which he made into delicious dishes. The plants he gathers and
prepares in this book are widely available everywhere in North America. |
Essentials: Edible Wild Plants & Useful Herbs, 2nd Edition (Basic Essentials)
by Jim Meuninck
List Price: $7.95 Your Price: $7.15 SAVE 10%With
this updated guide, you'll discover how to identify and gather more than 100 of the most
nutritious wild plants and useful herbs in the contiguous United States, prepare delicious
recipes using your wild harvest, determine the identity of poisonous plants and poisonous
look-alikes, and take charge of your personal health by making wild plants and herbs a
part of your diet. |
Guide to Edible Wild Plants
by Bradford Angier
List Price: $21.00 Your Price $16.80 SAVE 20% |
and Medicinal Plants of the West
by Gregory L. Tilford, Michael Moore
List Price: $21.00 Your Price $16.80 SAVE 20% |
Edible Fruits and Berries
by Marjorie Furlong, Virginia B. Pill
Our Price: $8.95 |
to Edible Weeds
by James A. Duke
List Price: $17.95 Your Price: $16.15 SAVE 10% |
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