Living and Raw
Foods Is cooked food good for us? - Read why it is toxic!
Should we eat
living foods or cooked foods? - If you read the article you find the answer.
Why Switch to a
Living Foods Diet - Learn the various reasons.
Ten Advantages
of eating Raw - Briefly learn the advantages..
Raw Food Questions and
Answers - The Nature's First Law authors answer many common questions.
Living Foods Defined
- By The Mother of Living Foods, Ann Wigmore.
Raw Fresh
Produce vs. Cooked Food - Informative long article.
Why Raw - Why eat
raw foods.
Why Raw Food-
yet another article discussing the topic.
Why Raw Food -
And another common sense article about raw.
Is it raw or not?
- Article discussing items to eat and to reduce.
Foods: Scientific Literature (journal) Review of Raw Foods
Why All Should Eat Only Raw Foods
Always - Good complication
Dietary Transition
- Learn the secrets of transitioning to a living/raw diet.
Types of Raw Food
Diets - Learn about the sub-classes of diets in the living and raw food diet.
Avoiding or
Overcoming Problems in Raw and Living Food Diets - An excellent article. MUST
What every raw fooder
should know about nuts - In this newly update article learn which nuts are actually,
"cooked" and thus a non-living food!
Can a Raw Food Diet Cause Changes in
Eye Color? - Learn the answers to having clearer eyes!
The Natural Way - Introduction
to eating Living foods.
Staying on a Raw/Living Foods Diet
- How to avoid and minimize back sliding.
Raw Lifestyle Changes- Beyond
the food - learn how to reduce toxins..
Brian Clement Lecture Notes -
Living Foods and Health
Brian Clement Lecture Notes -
Anti-Oxidants in Whole Living Foods
Brian Clement Lecture Notes -
Living foods and "sub-human" existence
On Fermented Foods - Are they
really Living Foods?
Dried Fruits, Overeating and
Fermented Foods - Questions and Answers
Raw Seeds, Nuts and Potatoes -
Questions and Answers
Interview with R.C. Dini -
Answers many raw food questions.
Feed your pet raw food - Want
to see your vet bills drop?
Natural pregnancy, childbirth,
and child raising - Read the experience of one raw mother..
Nutrition and the 2nd Law of
Thermodynamics - learn how they relate.
The World is dying for & Must
Know - What humanity must know!
The Relationship Between Tantra and Raw Food - The perfect complement.
Does the raw food diet supply enough
protein? Learn about the protein myth.
How to become a
Fruitarian - Learn everything you wanted to know and more about being a Fruitarian!
Fruitarian Eating
and Emotions - There is more to life than food..
Wild/Natural vs.
Modern/Cultivated fruit - Did you know fruit of today is much more sweet than fruit of
Eating: Dangerous or the Optimum Diet? - Find out now!
The Fruitarian
Diet - How much to eat, hybrid fruits and more!
Pro and Con - Learn about the pros and cons.
Durian Days -
An excellent article discussing durians and hybrid fruit.
Fruit - the Only Food
Nature Intentionally Gives Us For Eating!
The Value of Sprouts - Learn about
the true power of sprouts!
Sprouting - Learn the basics of
Easy Sprouting - Includes chart
Sprouting Q & A - Answers
to some common questions.
Sprouted Seeds: "Forgotten
Food" - sprouts enhances immune system and rejuvenation
Popular Raw Seeds -
Find out which ones sprout are processed and more!
Enhancing the digestion of
sprouts - Create some digestive fire!
Fruits and (sprouted) grains
- Learn about the differences and similarities between the two.
Sunflower Sprouts & Greens -
Find out how to sprout and the differences.
Sprouting Large Beans - Should
or Shouldn't you do it?
Legume Sprouts - Are the Friend or
Sprouting Pine Nuts and Lotus Seeds
- Learn the in's and the out's.
Sprouting Corn - Sweet Corn,
Field Corn and Popcorn.
Seed and Equipment Supplies -
Questions and Answers
Health Benefits of Sprouts
- A short article on why its so good!
Natural Toxins in sprouted seeds-
separating the myth from reality
Why alfalfa sprouts are safe and
health - should you believe all the bad press?
JAMA Unnecessarily Scares
Consumers With 'Old News' - Can you read between the lines?
Why Juice - Learn the basics of
The Benefits of Juicing - Learn
why juicing is so good for you.
The Wonders of Carrot Juice -
Learn about the power of fresh carrot juice.
Juicing enters the 21st century
- Learn the about one of the best ways to juice.
Fresh Wheatgrass Juice:
Nature's Great Healer - Learn about the power of wheatgrass juice.
Wheat Grass Juice -
Questions and Comments
Interesting Wheatgrass
Information - Various information
35 Uses for Wheatgrass - Learn some
of the many uses for wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass Information
- General information about wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass
Juice - Dietary and Medicinal Benefits
Green Day - Article about
wheatgrass juicing from SF paper.
Why Blended Soups - basic
Specific Foods
Raw Carob - Learn all about this
chocolate substitute- its a legume!
Agave Syrup - Learn why it is not as healthy as you may
Cacao - Learn why it is not as good
as you may think.
Cacao and Agave Information
Sheet - The truth about Cacao and Agave... Print out and distribute!
Raw Toxic Cacao aka Chocolate -
Its really bad stuff.
California Mango - A truly
raw mango also known as my breakfast.
Avocado - Excellent article
about the avocado. All you wanted to know!
Raw Cashew Nuts - Are they
really raw? Read this article to learn more
Coconut Benefits - Learn
of the benefits of coconuts- see a picture of a YOUNG coconut!
Young coconuts for your vibrant
health- learn how to open a coconut!
Coconut Water Information -
Nutrition information,Coconut history
Coconuts Can Save your life -
little known facts about coconuts
What's in your Nori? -
Revealing information about what's in nori.
Copra (Sprouted Coconut) and
Sapodilla - Info about these foods.
Heirloom Produce - Learn more
about heirloom produce - its delicious!
Chia Seed - Learn
about the ancient Chia Seed. High in EFAs
Avocado receives an "R"
rating - learn why and learn about avos!
Just kick the Salt Habit
Learn about why salt is bad for you
Surviving or Thriving in Las Vegas
- the author details his raw experience
An Organic Market in Hollywood FL
- An organic market on the beach
Raw Restaurant Reviews
Roxanne's Larkspur, CA - A Raw
Foodists Perspective

Living Foods for Optimum Health by Brian Clement - A highly recommended book for
anyone getting into living foods!
Click here for further information
Browse more Raw and Living food Books at the bookstore |
Enzymes and Longevity - Enzyme
researcher Dr. Howell explains how important enzymes actually are.
Enzymes - the difference
between raw and cooked foods..
Natural Hygiene
Natural Hygiene - What it
is and from where it came from.
SmallPox - 20 reasons and an
article to not get vaccinated.
Health and
Beyond - Newsletter Reviews.
Book & Literature Reviews
The Raw Life -
Excellent book on HOW to transition into raw foods.
80-10-10 Diet Book
Review - Yet another way to eat raw foods.
Your Natural Diet:
Alive and Raw Foods - Book Review.
The Raw Gourmet
- Top rated raw food recipe book with mucho info!
Nature's First Law:
The Raw Food Diet - Controversial Book!
Warming up to Living
Foods - An excellent book for beginners!
Perfect Body
- Learn how to have a perfect body! The authors picture is on the cover! NOT a model!
RAW: The UNcook Book
- A review of famous raw chef Juliano.
Body Ecology -
Learn how one person healed their body after life threatening illness.
Angel Foods-
One Angel of a recipe book.
The Miracle of
Fasting - Excerpt from the book. Learn more about fasting.
Raw Knowledge
- Review of this book that interviews raw foodists.
Living With
Green Power- A great recipe book, thats doesnt require the juicer (but it helps if you
Bragg Healthy
Lifestyle - Excerpt from the book. Living and raw foods are a part of the
Raw Recipe Books
Mini Reviews - Reviews of several books with delicious recipes!
Mini Reviews of
Raw and Related Books - Including a book on Living Water, and more
Nutrition and Athletic
Performance - Discover the secrets of maximizing your performance.
Back to Eden
- True healing comes from a return to natural living.
Health for the Millions - Excerpt
from the book by Herbert Shelton
Organic Foods
Is Your Food Genetically
Engineered? - Even if you eat all organic... Are you still safe?
Foods IS more nutritious - read this article and find out why.
10 Really Good
Reasons Why to Buy Organic - Explains why you should purchase organically grown.
Why Organic? -
Quotes from a book.
Twelve Foods -
A list of the 12 conventional produce items to avoid.. and the best 12..
The Poisoning of Our Foods
- Learn about chemicals and organic food.
Wild Edible Foods
Why Eat Wild Food
- Learn the advantages of Wild food!
Identifying and
Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in the Wild (and not so wild) - Chapter 1
book excerpt
to foraging: Conservation and Safety- Safety & Conservation First!
Foraging and the
Ecology- learn about earth friendly foraging
probably the most well know wild edible food!
The Wild Peach and
Nectarine- learn about the wild peach and nectarine.
Leaves - Book
Roots - learn about
the edible underground plant parts.
Fruits - Book
Flowers- learn
more about flowers.

Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (And Not So Wild
Places) by Steve Brill - Learn about Wild Edible Food!
now and SAVE 20% off retail!
Browse more Raw and Living food Books at the bookstore
Whats the Quality of the Fruits
and Veggies you are eating? - In this article learn how you can test your produce!
12 reasons why we overeat and how to
overcome - Learn why we overeat and what you can do..
Dehydrating - Learn the basics
of dehydrating.
Milk Substitutes Made From
Sprouted Oats & other nuts and grains - Learn how to make some delicious milk!
Olive Oil Scandal - Learn how most olive oils are
heavily processed!
Over-Eating - examining the
reasons on why people over-eat.
Female Freedom & Balance-
A Must read if you are a woman..
Transit Time - Is your body up
to par on digestive transit time?
Minerals in Foods - Answers many
questions about minerals.
Health Risks
National Research Council panel
believes carcinogens from cooked meat occur "naturally"! - Does it cause
Avoiding Environmental Threats
to Health - Did you know plastic off gasses and is toxic??
Genetically Engineered
Foods - learn more about these kinds of foods
Is Pollution Making Our Minds Melt?
- Learn how bad pollution really is.
The Truth about Cell Phones -
Learn the truth about the handy cell phone.
Cell Phones: The Hidden Toxin -
Learn that cell phones can negatively impact your healt.
Cleansing and Detoxing with Herbs
- Workshop Notes.
Herbs for Auto-Immune Diseases -
David Christopher talks about useful herbs.
Raw vs. Cooked Medicinal Herbs, and
Raw Herbal Juices - Should herbs be cooked or raw?
Are You Healthy? - What is really
being healthy? Read this article to learn the truths!
The Amazing Healing Power Within-
learn about the power of the body.
Acid/Alkaline Balance - Learn
about managing your Ph.
Multiple Articles - Raw Fooders
and extracted oils, indoor gardening, problems with seed storage and apples that have been
in cold storage.
Vitamin B12 Article - By Dr
Gabriel Cousens
Vitamin B-12 and Raw Food Vegans - An
article pointer
Vitamin B12 Issue - An
interesting article about this topic
Acid and Alkaline -
Insights by Viktorus
Restoring Our Earth -
Climate Change and Saving the Planet
Leukocyte References - That's
what happens when you eat cooked food!
Common Sense on Diet and Health
- Personal Opinions of Tom Billings
1997 Living Foods Expo
Questionnaire Answers - Answers from a questionnaire given to Expo Speakers.
What is the most Important Factor in
Health? - Good health is more than just eating well...
Interview with David Wolfe
- learn the views of one of the co-authors of Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet
Motivation, Expectations and Honesty
in Raw and Living Food Diets - Opinions by Tom Billings.
Comments on Mixed Diets - Some
people eat raw and cooked foods.
Plant Spirit Medicine -
Plant's have spirits too!
Ear Candling - Another natural
way to detoxify
California Pesticide Use - top
10 and bottom 10 crops.
Raw Food Body Building - An
interview with Stephen Arlin
Sun Food Diet Interview -
David talks about his book which reveals how to stay balanced on a raw diet,
Shedding Some
Light on the Darker Season - The importance of sunlight
Russian Banya -
Steam Baths information.
Ayurveda and Raw Foods - Notes
taken from a talk.
On Raw Foods/Fruitarianism and Ethical
Veganism - common ethical vegan misconceptions of raw foods
Vegan Attitudes towards
Instinctive Eating - Read about one person's view.
Peace on Earth - poetry about
man, animals and peace. |