Living and
Raw Foods Bookstore
in association with Amazon.com
Juicing and
Smoothie Books
Juices Super Drinks : Quick, Delicious Recipes to Prevent & Reverse Disease
by Steve MeyerowitzList Price: $14.00 Your
Price: $11.20 SAVE 20%
"Because of our complex modern
diet and overburdened digestive systems, only 10% of what we eat ever makes it to the
trillions of cells that are in charge of our health. Juices, teas, milks (non-dairy) and
other drinks are a fast and easy way to get the vital nourishment we need to help prevent
and fight disease." -Steve Meyerowitz
"This book is filled with information on how to prepare fresh juices and use them
as a source of vital health-giving nutrients. Clearly this is an important step on the
road to optimal health." -Julian Whitaker, editor Health and Healing Newsletter
Jensen's Juicing Therapy: Nature's Way to Better Health and a Longer Life (The Dr. Bernard
Jensen Library)
by Bernard, Phd Jensen, Bernard Jensen PhD
List Price: $14.95 Your Price: $11.96 SAVE 20%This
update of a classic work is the culmination of Dr. Bernard Jensen's years of study on the
health benefits of fruit and vegetable juices. Through numerous consultations and
successful treatments with hundreds of patients, Dr. Jensen has proved that juices are the
fastest method for getting necessary vitamins, minerals, and enzymes into our bodies.
He believes that a daily intake of juices-as a supplement to your regular foods-
will provide an extraordinary boost to your health and well-being. Featuring a
comprehensive analytical food guide and over 100 delicious, easy-to-make juice recipes,
this book also includes information on juices for babies and children and a comprehensive
section on blending. Whether you are ill or simply interested in taking a more
active role in enhancing your health, Dr. Jensen's Juicing Therapy can be your guide
toward rejuvenation and healing. |
Juicing : Delicious Recipes for over 125 of the Best Fruit and Vegetable Juice Combination
by Donna Pliner Rodnitzky
List Price: $12.95 Your Price: $10.36 SAVE 20%Cold,
delicious juice drinks never go out of style. They're perfect in any kind of weather and
at any time of day. Most important, they're as nutritious as they are mouth-watering.
Ultimate Juicing overflows with 125 great-tasting fruit and vegetable drinks that use the
sweet, zesty juices of everything from apples to tomatoes. You will be delighted with the
fun and easy-to-prepare recipes in this book!
Juicing Bible
by Pat Crocker, Susan Eagles
List Price: $18.95 Your Price: $15.16 SAVE 20%"The
Juicing Bible" is designed to appeal to people who believe juicing is a healthy
alternative and for those who are interested in learning about how to begin juicing and
incorporating it into their lives. Juices, teas, bitters, tonics, smoothies, and roughies
can all be made with simple, delicious, easy to follow recipes. Many of your questions and
concerns about such ailments as high cholesterol, colitis, and gallstones can be found
within the pages of "The Juicing Bible." We even have a recipe to relieve a
"The Juicing Bible" is comprised of easy to follow
sections. Section One lists the properties and healing qualities of almost 100 herbs,
fruits, and vegetables. The second section lists 60 common ailments and the recipes
specifically created to alleviate these conditions. The final section contains over 150
delicious recipes and even suggests which types of juices work well during specific times
of the year. |
Juiceman's Power of Juicing (paperback)
by Jay Kordich
List Price $6.99 Your Price $6.29 SAVE 10%The
Juiceman's Power of Juicing (hardcover)
List Price $15.00 Your Price $12.80 SAVE 20%
The New York Times bestseller, with more than half a million hardcover copies
sold. Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, and this book shows
anyone how to unleash the natural powers of fresh foods through juicing. Contains 100
unique recipes. |
Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health: Unleashing the Healing Power of Whole Fruits and
by Cherie Calbom
List Price: $12.95 Your Price: $10.36 SAVE 20%In her new book, the Juice Lady explains why the juice of fresh fruits and
vegetables is the richest available food source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. She
discusses what enzymes are and why they aren't available in cooked foods, and provides
information about the way juice nutrients are absorbed by the body. The first section of The
Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health gives in-depth information about juice, while the
second section provides recipes and dietary tips geared to specific conditions that need
attention. The author explores juicing remedies, backed by scientific data and extensive
research, and shows how to get the maximum healing potential by incorporating freshly made
juices into a daily plan for health, healing, and recovery. |
Juice Lady's Juicing for High Level Wellness and Vibrant Good Looks
by Cherie Calbom
List Price: $12.00 Your Price: $9.60 SAVE 20%The
Juice Lady's Juicing for Health and Healing offers delicious health-enhancing recipes,
specific remedies for common ailments, as well as comprehensive strategies for our daily
lives--from cleansing programs to mental-performance boosters, from healthy pregnancies to
thriving babies, toddlers, and children. Complete with inspiring stories of people
whose lives were transformed by the health and vitality they found in juicing programs,
this book points the way to living each moment to the fullest. What's the secret? It's in
the juice, and Cherie Calbom shows you everything you need to know. |
for Life; A Guide to the Health Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing
by Cherie Calbom & Maureen Keane
List Price $12.95 Your Price $10.36 SAVE 20%This important book tells how to treat over 75 common health disorders with
the correct combinations of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Includes recipes,
daily menus and special diets, and a section of resources. |
the Best Out of Your Juicer : Featuring a Comprehensive Dictionary of Juices
by William H. Lee
List Price: $10.95 Your Price: $8.76 SAVE 20% This book features a comprehensive dictionary of juices as well as healthful
recipes for after-juicing pulp- giving you 100% of the goodness of your fruits and
vegetables. |
Stafford's Juicing for Health : Over 200 Recipes for Fruit & Vegetable Juices, Soups,
Smoothies & Sorbets
by Julie Stafford
List Price: $12.95 Your Price: $10.36 SAVE 20%A positive approach to achieving better health. Packed with information about
diet and nutrition, it also includes more than 200 recipes for fruit and vegetable juices,
soups, smoothies and sorbets - each recipe designed for maximum taste impact. Includes
chapter on Cleansing Diets, Slimming Diets and Anti-Cancer Diets. Excellent resource book
on vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables. It is well organized and indexed by
primary fruit and vegetable and contains a section on spicy elements such as ginger root
and garlic which can be used to add zest to the juice. Rather than a purely medicinal type
book, it has recipes and illustrations for some really tasty treats. |
Joy of Juicing Recipe Guide; Creative Cooking with Your Juicer
by Gary Null, Shelly Null
List Price: $10.95 Your Price
$8.76 SAVE 20%Now you can take your fresh
juices, and a lot of that pulp you've been throwing away, and turn them into an
imaginative array of savory-from drinks, sauces, dips, and salads, to soups, entrees,
desserts, and more. A practical cookbook specifically designed for juicers. Includes a
Seven-Day Menu Plan, a Natural Living Weight Loss Program, helpful hints for successful
juicing, and a unique juice measurement conversion table. |
Smoothies : 123 Quick Frosty Drinks-Delicious AND Nutritious!
by Rita Bingham
List Price $14.951-2-3 Smoothies are
fantastically delicious! Every morning, except for a few in the dead of winter, we enjoy a
nutritious breakfast smoothie made from all the healthful ingredients we need to last
until lunchtime. I have been amazed at how many nutritious things can be hidden in these
frosty treats. Each recipe comes complete with nutritional data. We rarely use milk at my
house, so we love the alternative milks made from grains, nuts and seeds. They take only 3
minutes to make, are full of healing enzymes, and taste great! Those who store grains love
being able to use them in their drinks. |
Juicing Book
by Stephen Blauer
List Price $8.95 Your Price $8.05 SAVE 10%Up-to-date information on the value of juices for your body. Explains the
differences between commercially grown and organically grown produce. Included are charts,
recipes, and instructions on making tasty juices with everything from apples to zucchini! |
Encyclopedia of Healing Juices
by Dr. John Heinerman
List Price $13.95 Your Price $11.16 SAVE 20%This book shows how to multiply the body's ability to fight disease and
infection using the healing power of 83 different juices. Nutritional contents of every
juice are presented, including particular vitamins and minerals each concoction provides. |
Complete Book of Juicing; Your Delicious Guide to Healthful Living
by Michael T. Murray
List $14.95 Your Price $11.96 SAVE 20%
One of the world's leading authorities on natural medicines reveals how fresh fruit and
vegetable juices can help combat cancer, aging, arthritis, high cholesterol, high blood
pressure, kidney stones, ulcers, and other health conditions. Recipes included. |
Fasting & Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look
by Steve Meyerowitz, Michael Parman (Illustrator), Beth Robbins
Your Price: $10.95 Your Price: $8.76 SAVE 20%This
book explains how to fast using raw fruit & vegetable juices while maintaining a
nearly normal work and living schedule. Includes: Juice recipes, detoxification
techniques, exercises, weight loss, water fasting; about the organs of elimination; how to
handle a "healing event," and how to exit a fast safely. |
Blending Book : Maximizing Natures Nutrients
by Ann Wigmore
Your Price $8.95 Your Price $8.05 SAVE 10%NEW!
This is the completed book Ann Wigmore was working on when she died tragically in a fire. |
Smoothies! : Taste the Nectar of Life
by Candia Lea Cole, Candia Lee Cole
List Price: $12.95 Your Price: $10.36 SAVE 20%Over 60 dairy-free recipes promising to energize you with the
new smoothie cuisine, made mainly from uncooked foods. |
Juicing : Over 125 Healthful and Delicious Ways to Use Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices
and Pulp
by Elaine LA Lanne, Elaine Lalanne
List Price $13.95 Your Price $11.16 SAVE 20%Juice extractors were America's best-selling appliance in 1991. The Juice
Tiger, promoted on TV infomercials by Jack and Elaine LaLanne, has enjoyed sales of more
than a quarter million units. Total Juicing covers the health benefits of a wide variety
of fruit and vegetable juices and offers 100 recipes for all occasions. |
Book of Raw Fruit, Vegetable Juices and Drinks
by William H. Lee
Your Price $4.95The author presents all the
facts on the nutritive content of dozens of fruit and vegetable juices--the best ways to
prepare them, their uses in the treatment of disease and injuries and the remarkable ways
these fruit and vegetable drinks can enrich and enliven your eating and diet. Also
includes a cleansing one-day juice fast and an eat-all-you-can reducing diet for the
long-lasting weight loss. |
Pocket Handbook of Juice Power
by Carlson Wade
List Price: $3.95 Your Price: $3.55 SAVE 10%The author gives you every aspect of the raw juice story--buying the best
juicer, the health properties of different fruit and vegetable juices and how to use them
to regain, maintain and enhance health, tasty juice recipes (including soups, dressings
and dips), and much more. |
Your Troubles Away
by John B. Lust
Your Price: $4.95A listing of fruit, vegetable
and herbal juice formulas with their medicinal value in over 70 remedies. The author
reveals in plain-spoken language observations and experiences of two generations gained in
association with Dr. Benedict Lust, at his internationally known Yungborn Sanitarium. |
to Keep Slim, Healthy and Young With Juice Fasting
by Paavo Airola
Our Price: $6.25 |
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