Kreme of Asparagus Soup
by Nomi Shannon© 1998 Nomi Shannon. Please copyright notice below.
This could be called the king of soups. The fiber in the asparagus
creates a delightful texture, and the tahini gives it a smooth quality. Do not use the
woody ends of the asparagus. Chop only the most tender part, about 1 1/2"-2"
from the end.
1 Cup cut up asparagus
1 cup carrot juice
2 Tablespoons tahini
1 teaspoon cut up onion, or more to taste
dulse flakes
Blend until a smooth consistency. Yields approximately 1 1/2 cups.
Serves 1.
Copyright Notice:
The above recipe was taken from: The Raw Gourmet, Simple Recipes
for Living Well, by Nomi Shannon. © 1998 Nomi Shannon. All commercial rights
reserved. This recipe may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes provided: that
this copyright notice is included with the following web site address. (
Please contact author if you have any questions regarding this matter. (
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